Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Astella finally got to hold her first baby.  It was cousin (2 cousin or 3rd however it works) Winston.  She loved it!  We are still working on being gentle.
We go to swimming lessons once a week and it's a love/hate thing.  She laughs and cries most of the time.  Here are a few pictures.  Notice how apprehensive she is about it.
And finally some cute hair pictures.  I will not tell people I am a hairstylist when her hair looks like this!  
And a side view!  As my Dad would say she worked on this all night.
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Hello!  I just wanted a place I can share about Astella and have a place to look back on things.  A lot of people have prayed for her and love seeing how she is doing.  After sharing everything on caring bridge for over a year and half we wanted to move over to a blog.  I will be sharing our journey with Astella.  I wrote this post back in April and am finally getting it posted.  We will also be sharing our journey being parents of TWO kids!  Update on Astella:  She is doing wonderful.  Her belly is still un-repaired.  And will stay that way until she is big enough to handle everything where it is suppose to be.  Astella's Abdominal muscles are on the her sides instead of being along the front.  We meet with the surgeon in November to look at where we are and how she is growing with her body.  We still do compression daily and have a "band-aid" over scar tissue to help it not peel and have a red appearance.  Her belly does not seem to faze her.  I am still getting use to kids asking questions.  I try to handle and explain it simply.  Happy Fall everyone!  I enjoy seeing Astella love life and exploring things daily!

~Andi Jo